Tuesday 5 June 2007

Click the following pictures. These were taken today, 5th June, review day! This is a common scene particularly on bin day. If you look at the left hand side of the picture you will see a child walking in the road inches away from a bus which is now forced so closed to the pavement due to the narrowness of the lanes. Prior to the bus lane buses were free tro travel further away from pedestrians. Since the introduction of the bus lane bus are forced so far over to the edge of the northbound side that an accident is imminent.

There has always been congestion towards five lamps and until connecting derby gets underway (and works) there probably always will be. However it was unusual to see congestion northbound, towards Duffield. However this is now a reality at peak times as vehicles come across obstructions that they cannot overtake such as cyclists, bin men, deliveries etc.

Initially there was a drop off in traffic on this route at peak times. Amazingly some people thought that this sudden decline in traffic and reduction of congestion was due to the bus lane affecting traffic flow. I even started to believe this myself but couldn't understand why? This observation was being used as another positive point in favor of the bus lane. However the traffic has slowly returned and at peak times the bus lane squeezing creates dangerous situations and more congestion than before particulary northbound.

Here is another example of a child clearly frightened by how close this bus is. Luckily he was walking on his own unlike the previous picture.